Great product managers own the outcomes (May 5, 2024) Being a product manager means never having to say, "that's not my job."
62 items tagged with marketing
Related tags: usability email spam customers productmanagement
Build the whole product (October 10, 2023) Your code is only part of the product
Developer Relations as Developer Success (October 10, 2020) Outreach, marketing, and developer evangelism are a part of Developer Relations. But the companies that are most successful with developers spend most of their time on something else.
Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand (September 9, 2020) To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.
Double Opt-In helps you (April 4, 2014) A simple reason why double opt-in is a good thing for marketers.
In which Vonage pretends their prices haven't changed (April 4, 2010) Translating what Vonage marketing says about their price increase into plain English.
Twitter app competition (April 4, 2010) Life as a Twitter app developer is far from over.
Twitter app competition (April 4, 2010) Life as a Twitter app developer is far from over.
The rest of the world is not like you (April 4, 2010) Normal people are different. Keep that in mind when creating or marketing a product.
Pressure sales via Twitter (October 10, 2009) Sticking an ad in my face when we first meet is a good way to lose my interest.
SEO realities (October 10, 2009) The real search engine optimization. Works every time.
The Something Store: Buy Something at (December 12, 2008)
The Something Store: Buy Something at (December 12, 2008)
How Companies Respond to the Risks of Personal Brands (December 12, 2008)
How Companies Respond to the Risks of Personal Brands (December 12, 2008)
Social advertising failings (February 2, 2008) A marketer wanting to reach social network users needs to try some new tricks. Broadcasting contextual ads with your Google haiku isn't going to cut it.
Buzzword Marketing: Macworld edition (January 1, 2008) Some product marketing examples from the Macworld exhibitor list.
Buzzword marketing (January 1, 2008) A job ad with nothing but buzzwords.
Teleflip spams your friends (November 11, 2007) Classless move by teleflip.
Widgetsphere: New Playground For Marketers (April 4, 2007)
Cuban's response (July 7, 2006) Mark Cuban agrees with me on the quality of most of the suggestions for improving movie marketing.
Movie marketing on a budget (July 7, 2006) Mark Cuban's looking for more cost effective ways to market movies.
The importance of being good (May 5, 2006) Starbucks is pulling CD burning stations from their stores. That says something interesting about their brand.
Because I'm a rockstar, that's why (May 5, 2006)
Who cares about RSS adoption? (February 2, 2006) Dave Winer wants to know why anyone cares how many people use RSS without being aware of it.
Feedburner fesses up (February 2, 2006) Feedburner spammed some people. And instead of making excuses, they did the right thing.
When marketers attack (January 1, 2006) Marketspeak has come to blogs.
Lock-in is bad (December 12, 2005) T-Mobile thinks they'll get new Hotspot customers with exclusive content and locked-in devices.
Pitching Bloggers (November 11, 2005) Forget what you learned in your PR classes. Start acting like a human instead of a marketer, and the humans behind the blogs will respond.
Peets in the deep south (October 10, 2005) An unexpected place to find Peets Coffee
Local Baseball spam (June 6, 2005) Abusing ticket sales information leads to frustration.
Why I don't recommend Firefox (September 9, 2004) Why Firefox isn't ready for an aggressive marketing campaign.
I-Blog (January 1, 2004) I've joined the staff of MarketingWonk as the new moderator of I-Blog, an email discussion list focused on the use of weblogs in business and marketing.
Spider-Man marketing by Blog (January 1, 2004) Sony Pictures is getting free marketing on blogs with the creation of Spider-Man 2 blog template sets.
Carmel Coffee Marketing (December 12, 2003) The owner of a Carmel coffee company demonstrates a very effective marketing technique.
Off Target (October 10, 2003) Siemens marketers need to learn plain English.
Business blogs (August 8, 2003) Anyone know of some good business and marketing blogs?
Refurb IBM on Ebay (July 7, 2003) IBM is using Ebay as a sales channel to sell refurbished products.
Atomz stupidity (June 6, 2003) Atomz is a great search engine, but their sales and marketing people need a reality check. When you outgrow their free service, your only paid option starts at $15,000.
Build your brand (June 6, 2003) Consultants who blog report that their blogs don't earn them clients. So why should they keep on blogging? It builds their brand.
ActiveWords (June 6, 2003) If you are a Windows user, you need to try ActiveWords. If you are a marketer, you need to try marketing by blog like Buzz does.
Ecommerce costs (May 5, 2003) When planning a small business ecommerce site, you'll need to budget for the costs involved in processing credit cards, marketing, and software.
AvantGo gets it right (April 4, 2003) AvantGo seeks to refresh stale email marketing permission and sets a gooed example for any company that wants to begin using their email database.
Getting the Gist of marketing (February 2, 2003) If it's the first time in a very long time that you've contacted your customer lists, do it right.
What's in it for me? (January 1, 2003) Your customer's personal information is valuable. Don't expect them to give it to you for free.
Email Marketing Usability (September 9, 2002) Jakob Nielsen turns to a subject dear to my heart: the improving your email newsletters to enhance the reader experience.
Wireless Adoption (September 9, 2002) At the real estate softare company where I used to work, our WAP product won us sales, but nobody bought it.
Usability test serendipity (September 9, 2002) Marketers can use usability testing to build a better product.
Opportunity lost (September 9, 2002) Improve the customer experience of automated emails.
Google woes (September 9, 2002) Why won't Google provide a more complete description?
Anti filter (August 8, 2002) Do spam filters violate the rights of email users?
Ironic misspelling (August 8, 2002) An announcement for a spelling correction feature that contains misspellings.
Goodbye links (August 8, 2002) What happens when you break links to your site and your competitor doesn't? Sites link to your competition instead of you.
Quality Service (August 8, 2002) In contrast to yesterday's host, Insider Hosting has stellar customer contact.
Ignoring customers (August 8, 2002) Ignoring your email turns off potential customers.
Email marketing stupidity (July 7, 2002) I just renewed the domain registration for through Right after I did so, they automatically sent me some marketing email. They made some dumb mistakes in their message that you can easily avoid in your marketing campaigns.
Strategic Site Management (June 6, 2002) Someone in your company should be in charge of your Web site. Here's why.
Update your content (April 4, 2002)
Consumer preference vs. RIAA (March 3, 2002)
Newsletter quality (February 2, 2002)
Subject Marketing (February 2, 2002)
Generic Names (February 2, 2002)