22 items tagged with email

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Double Opt-In helps you

April 2, 2014 - A simple reason why double opt-in is a good thing for marketers.

Security & Privacy

Re-educating a spammer

October 13, 2006 - In which I attempt to lead someone from a life of spam.


Email hoax breaker

May 5, 2006 - Most people I know have stopped sending me email chain letters because they’ve gotten sick...


Stuff for later

April 5, 2006 - PDF merging, procrastination, baseball, and managing your bits in this edition of Simplelinks.

Products and Tools

Symantec Spoofing

September 3, 2003 - Some email viruses trick mail systems into thinking the virus was sent by someone else. Antivirus tools are falling for it.

Business & Strategy

Turning away customers

July 9, 2003 - If a customer is going to go to the trouble of contacting you, it’s important, at least to them. Make sure you’ll see it.

Security & Privacy

Web bug education

November 26, 2002 - The anti-Web bug initiative will be ignored by unscrupulous marketers, but it will also serve to educate everyone else.

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