6 items tagged with permission

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Local Baseball spam

June 17, 2005 - Abusing ticket sales information leads to frustration.


Bad marketer

November 18, 2003 - It’s not that hard to do email marketing right. Do it right and you’ll have loyal customers. Do it wrong and you’ll have irritated customers.


Refreshing permission

June 19, 2003 - Buy.com understands a key principle of email marketing: permission goes stale. How they asked for my renewed permission is a lesson in good marketing.


AvantGo gets it right

April 23, 2003 - AvantGo seeks to refresh stale email marketing permission and sets a gooed example for any company that wants to begin using their email database.


Open letter to Barnes & Noble

October 29, 2002 - Barnes & Noble screwed up by sending a marketing email to people who told them they didn’t want to get email, made it difficult to change email preferences, and then ignored their mistake.

Software Management

Newsletter quality

February 20, 2002 - At some point I must have given my email address to Classmates. I don’t remember...