50 items tagged with movabletype

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Dynamic copyright

January 1, 2007 - How to ensure your copyright date is always current.

Markdown for MT fix

February 17, 2006 - A patch for Markdown so empty text doesn’t get transformed.

Content Management

Six Apart Musings

September 2, 2004 - Thoughts on the future of Movable Type, Six Apart, and my plugins.

Content Management

Password protect your blog

August 14, 2004 - Password protecting a Movable Type blog using Movable Type’s own user database.

Content Management

Dirify in PHP

July 27, 2004 - A port of Movable Type’s dirify function to PHP.

Content Management

EntryCount plugin

December 31, 2003 - A Movable Type plugin that displays a running total of the number of entries in your blog.

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