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Content Management

Technorati fix

Freshness Warning
This blog post is over 21 years old. It's possible that the information you read below isn't current and the links no longer work.

Apparently the Technorati API service is experiencing some problems today. Many people have been getting the following error from my plugin.

Build error in template ‘Main Index’: Error in tag: Error
reading XML content: Could not find in at extlib/MTPlugins/
line 97 .

Go download the latest version of the plugin and install it. You will stop getting that error and you’ll be able to rebuild your pages. This version is more tolerant of errors on Technorati’s end. If the request to Technorati fails, you still won’t have the Technorati data, but at least the problem won’t stop your pages from being rebuilt.

Here’s what’s new.

  • (Change) Default parser is now XML::Parser on all systems
  • (Fix) Parser preferences are sometimes ignored
  • (New) If Technorati service doesn’t respond, the plugin doesn’t interrupt the build
  • (Change) Better handling of nocache option
  • (New) New arguments on inside tags. ‘if_blank’ allows you to specify text to use if the tag is empty.


July 24, 2003 4:31 PM

Is it this error, which I got after installing the 1.0 plugin? MT::App::CMS=HASH(0x82af170) The Technorati service didn't answer. It might be down. at extlib/MTPlugins/ line 199.

This discussion has been closed.

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