21 items tagged with plugin

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jQuery Plugin: highlightFade

July 19, 2007 - jQuery Plugin: highlightFade — Plugin to fade and transition between colors for backgrounds, borders and...

Content Management

EntryCount plugin

December 31, 2003 - A Movable Type plugin that displays a running total of the number of entries in your blog.

Content Management

Technorati fix

July 24, 2003 - Apparently the Technorati API service is experiencing some problems today that are causing errors for people using my Technorati plugin. The newest version of the plugin fixes this and adds a new feature.

Content Management

New Technorati plugin

May 14, 2003 - A new version of the Technorati plugin handles errors in the Technorati XML better, has a bunch or new configuration options, and lets you use Movable Type date formatting commands.

Content Management

Technorati plugin

May 12, 2003 - Dave Sifry has opened up a Technorati interface that allows outside developers to use the Technorati data. I’ve whipped up a quick MT plugin that can get the Technorati link Cosmos for your entire blog or a specific entry and insert it into your blog pages.

Content Management

SimpleComments 1.1

April 23, 2003 - A new version of SimpleComments has comment numbers, entry containers, and can be used outside an entry.

Content Management


February 14, 2003 - A port of some classic text filters to Movable Type. Translate your posts into Jive, Texas Drawl, Cockney, Swedish Chef, Valley Girl, German Accent, or Hunting Wabbits.

Content Management


February 2, 2003 - A Movable Type plugin that combines comments and TrackBacks into a single, simple list.

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