6 items tagged with trackback

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Security & Privacy

Comment spam

September 3, 2003 - I’m fed up and want your help in devising a solution that will curtail comment and TrackBack spam.

Content Management


June 14, 2003 - Send TrackBack pings to any site even if your blogging client doesn’t support TrackBack.

Content Management


February 2, 2003 - A Movable Type plugin that combines comments and TrackBacks into a single, simple list.

Content Management

Comments, please

February 2, 2003 - I’m testing out a new MT plugin that I’ve been working on, and I need your help. Please leave some comments and trackback pings on this entry.

Content Management

MTAmazon TrackBacks

December 30, 2002 - Add your MTAmazon-powered site to the TrackBack-enabled list of example sites.