8 items tagged with simplecomments

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Content Management

Latest SimpleComments

October 24, 2004 - An update to SimpleComments brings support for dynamic templates, a bug fix, better integration with MT3, and more.

Content Management

PHP SimpleComments

October 20, 2004 - SimpleComments for dynamically-published Movable Type sites.

Content Management

SimpleComments fix

October 18, 2004 - A fix for some perl warnings in SimpleComments.

Content Management

SimpleComments 1.1

April 23, 2003 - A new version of SimpleComments has comment numbers, entry containers, and can be used outside an entry.

Content Management


February 2, 2003 - A Movable Type plugin that combines comments and TrackBacks into a single, simple list.

Content Management

Comments, please

February 2, 2003 - I’m testing out a new MT plugin that I’ve been working on, and I need your help. Please leave some comments and trackback pings on this entry.