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Process Tags plugin

Freshness Warning
This blog post is over 21 years old. It's possible that the information you read below isn't current and the links no longer work.

One of the questions often seen on the Movable Type support forums is related to the usage of MT tags inside your entry text. Typically someone tried to use an MT tag inside their entry body and found that it didn’t process the tag. And someone recently asked me why they couldn’t use the MTAmazon plugin inside an entry.

The reason why this doesn’t work is that Movable Type just doesn’t look inside your entry text when it creates your pages. But now it can.

Process Tags is a new plugin from Kalsey Consulting Group that creates a new global tag attribute called process_tags. A global tag attribute is a MT tag attribute that can be used on any tag. You’ve probably seen and used the built-in global attributes like encode_html and dirify.

By using the process_tags attribute, you tell Movable Type to process all the MT tags that are contained in whatever tag you use it on. So for example, if you have included MT template tags in your entry body, you can use <MTEntryBody process_tags="1"> to make sure that those tags get used when the entry is built.


Process Tags 1.0


Copy into a directory called plugins inside your Movable Type directory. If you don’t already have a plugins directory, create it first. Copy into a directory called bradchoate inside your extlib directory. If you don’t already have a bradchoate directory, create it first.

Your installation should now look like this:


Once you’ve installed Process Plugins, you’ll have a new global tag attribute that can be used on any non-container tag. Keep in mind, though, that just because you can use the attribute on any tag, using it on things like date tags doesn’t make much sense.

  • process_tags
    When set to 1, processes the results of any MT tag for more MT tags. For example, if you use this on your MTEntryMore tag, any MT tags inside your extended entries would be processed.


<MTCategoryDescription process_tags="1">


This plugin relies upon Brad Choate’s post processing plugin, Brad even updated his plugin to better support this plugin.


Like our other freeware, this plugin is released under the open-source MIT License. In plain English, that means you can do whatever you want with the software, including modifying it, selling it, or eating it, but we’re not responsible for anything that goes wrong.

Revision History

1.0 - August 5, 2002
Initial release.


February 6, 2006 11:11 AM

Hi - I installed Process Tags and MTGoogleMaps. I receive the following error from the cron job: Found = in conditional, should be == at cgi-bin/mt/plugins/ line 249. Subroutine MT::Template::Context::add_global_filter redefined at cgi-bin/mt/extlib/bradchoate/ line 22. Subroutine MT::Template::Context::post_process_handler redefined at cgi-bin/mt/extlib/bradchoate/ line 41. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

March 19, 2006 9:38 PM

Wow, That was easy. Great plugin. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.

Rew Rixom
April 25, 2006 7:00 PM

That was just what I needed! Thank You! Thank You!

July 7, 2006 5:33 PM

Where does this go? Thanks

July 7, 2006 5:34 PM

MTCategoryDescription process_tags="1"

July 13, 2006 6:32 AM

Hi~ I think it is a great plugin that I wanted. But is it available to use this plugin in MT 3.2? Actually I failed to use this in my weblogs. (Every tags with this parameter meet an error messages which notifies the out-of-contexte using of template tags)

July 16, 2006 2:34 AM

Thank you very good plugin! Process Tags plugin needed small hack to work with MT3.2. But with MT3.31, original code works fine for me. Regards, Hisaaki Shibata

February 3, 2007 4:36 AM

I can confirm that commenting out "use bradchoate::postproc;" allows process_tags to work with MT 3.3 without requiring the postproc extension (which was disrupting Notifier on my installation). additionally, by comment out the said line, the MT Plugins interface allows you to see the process_tags 'resources'; ie, the process_tags attribute. thank you for the plugin. I can now refer to entries by id from within entries without fear of urls gone wrong: regards, Gregory

JR Geoffrion
February 7, 2008 11:11 AM

Has anyone been able to make the process_tag work with MT4.1? I'm having trouble and can't figure out which lines to change to make it work. Thanks in advance for your assistance -- I'll be happy to provide details as requested.

April 8, 2008 8:02 AM

ProcessTags is working with 4.1 ;-) I downloaded v1.0, commented out the "use bradchoate::postproc;" line and uploaded it to my MT4 server. I did NOT upload the file. at first, I thought it wasn't working and then I realised that I had reverted the template sets to an MT set and needed to reinsert the process_tags="1" attribute in each and every instance of , and . once I had done that and republished the files, everything worked fine. note that attributes are processed in the order that they are specified in the tag (new in MT4?). therefore, and are very different.

April 24, 2008 2:34 AM

Thanks Gregory, been trying to get this to work for ages, tried the same method as you and it worked!

Toni Hambilton
July 20, 2008 6:16 PM

I uploaded both parts of the plugin, added the tag to the entry more tag, and presto it works in 4.2 Excellent..

October 31, 2008 6:12 AM

Question: We have downloaded the plug in because we want to use the template variables on pages and entries. We also downloaded the FCK editor plugin and re-configured it. I created a page that uses a template variable, when I'm in the WYSWSG editor. I save the page, and I can see the variable's value on the page in the browser. However, if I re-open the page in WYSWSG mode, it breaks the variable by putting the < and > in place of the that close the variable. So instead of having this on the page: Instead you have: <$mt:var name="test"$> I would really appreciate any assistance on this issue. Thanks

Adam Kalsey
October 31, 2008 10:22 AM

That's an issue with FCKEditor, not with the plugin. Most wysiwyg editors for the web replace angle brackets with HTML entities. Some suggestions for fixes:

pat g
June 26, 2010 4:41 AM

Thanks gonna try this, even bearing in mind the freshness warning...hope it works. cheers p

These are the last 15 comments. Read all 35 comments here.

This discussion has been closed.

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