6 items tagged with technorati

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February 1, 2007 - Technorati’s logo for their new service looks familiar

Content Management

Technorati fix

July 24, 2003 - Apparently the Technorati API service is experiencing some problems today that are causing errors for people using my Technorati plugin. The newest version of the plugin fixes this and adds a new feature.

Content Management

New Technorati plugin

May 14, 2003 - A new version of the Technorati plugin handles errors in the Technorati XML better, has a bunch or new configuration options, and lets you use Movable Type date formatting commands.

Content Management

Technorati plugin

May 12, 2003 - Dave Sifry has opened up a Technorati interface that allows outside developers to use the Technorati data. I’ve whipped up a quick MT plugin that can get the Technorati link Cosmos for your entire blog or a specific entry and insert it into your blog pages.