21 items tagged with amazon

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Cloud Reliability

August 12, 2008 - Would you like to take bets as to whether Amazon or Google have better reliability and safety than your local network service providers?

Amazon Shipping indicator

November 25, 2006 - Amazon could help customers by showing them earlier if an item can be shipped for free.

Business & Strategy

My christmas deliveries

December 28, 2005 - Items ordered at Christmas weren’t shipped smoothly, but everything worked out okay.


Tagyu API ideas

October 17, 2005 - Some mashups you could create with the Tagyu API and some other web services APIs.


Olympus cameras on sale

June 17, 2004 - Last year when I was looking at digital cameras, I nearly bought an all-weather Olympus. Now Amazon has it and all their other Olympus cameras on sale.


Amazon Elephants

February 25, 2004 - In which strange patterns emerge in my Amazon Associates account.

Content Management

XHTML Services?

January 1, 2004 - Jon Udell says that intranets should abandon Web services like SOAP and REST in favor of screen scraping XHTML. Hogwash.

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