58 items tagged with rss

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Universal feed icon blog button

February 4, 2006 - I’ve created an 80x15 blog button that uses the new-ish universal feed icon. Feel free to steal it and advertise your feed.

Feedster feeds

February 3, 2006 - Feedster’s core features are rotting.


Are Branded feed readers the answer?

November 17, 2005 - Brand Autopsy compares RSS subscriptions to Starbucks and says publishers need to provide the cup. What if there was no cup?

Business & Strategy

Where do the RSS ad startups fit in?

November 16, 2005 - Yahoo’s RSS advertising service could spell trouble for pure-play RSS advertising services unless they adapt their business model.

Business & Strategy

How Yahoo's RSS Advertising works

November 16, 2005 - Here’s look at how Yahoo’s RSS ads work and a comparison to the ad insertion techniques of some of the other players.

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