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This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.


Comments feed

Freshness Warning
This blog post is over 21 years old. It's possible that the information you read below isn't current and the links no longer work.

I’m experimenting with the idea of an RSS feed for comments on this site. If you use a news aggregator to read this blog, you can sign up for the comments feed and you’ll see an excerpt of the recent comments on the site.

The feed is located at

Right now the feed contains the last six entries that received comments and the latest five comments for each entry. Let me know what you think of the idea and the format. What would you like to see this feed have in it?


September 18, 2002 6:51 AM

Hi Adam - I considered doing something similar over at my blog [1] . My idea (not implemented, after discussing with Lars [2] that this could be annoying for regular readers) was to add "(X comments)" behind the excerpt - something like the word-count in Mark's RSS feed [3]... Setting up a separate feed like you've done might not be the worst solution for this :-) Keep us updated! [1] [2] [3]

Adam Kalsey
September 19, 2002 7:25 PM

I kind of threw this out there not knowing if anyone would use it or find it useful. Looking at my server logs, apparently somone is using it. So, fo those using the feed, what do you like about it? What would you like to see changed? I'm open to suggestions.

September 20, 2002 2:29 AM

... I'm using it ;-) ... mostly so see how it develops and if I find it useful over time. My 2 cents so far: it was a bit confusing that new comments come on top (reverse-chronological order) - despite "newst first" being the standard for weblogs; one is generally used to reading comments chronologically?

Adam Kalsey
September 20, 2002 9:00 AM

I went back and forth about what order to place the comments. The reason I settled on newest first was that I'm only showing the 5 latest comments for each entry. I was worried that having them in chronological order might be confusing since the first comment in the list might not actually be the first comment in the thread. Was I wrong about this? I suppose that since people aren't using the feed to read all the comments and mainly to keep tabs on new comments, then it doesn't really matter. What do you think about the format? I'm placing all the comments for an entry in one RSS item. I thought about making each entry it's own item instead and dropping the entry excerpt. Would that be more useful?

September 20, 2002 12:48 PM

Adam, If this is usefull Feedback (?), I'm using 0decafbad's outline skin on Amphetadesk, which is changing its display of the Feedorder based on clickthrough, also each item is folded (outlined). So for me you could easily put all 19 comment-excerpts of "Related Entries Plugin" in the feed (as an example). I like the newest on top though! Can you may-be enlighten us how to make this MT-template? I would really like to syndicate my own comments feed... Lawrence

Adam Kalsey
September 20, 2002 1:33 PM

I want to avoid loading too many items into the feed to cut down on bandwidth needs -- both mine and yours. That's one reason I only have the last few comments in the feed. The other reason is that I want you to have to visit the site to read the entire thread. That way, you're more likely to become an active participant in the discussion instead of only reading the comments of others.

Adam Kalsey
September 20, 2002 1:51 PM

Here's the template I use for the comments feed:

Adam Kalsey
September 21, 2002 8:00 AM

Must be something in the water. Apparently over the last several days, different Weblogs have independantly created feeds for their comments. Also if you don't like my comments feed template, try these:

This discussion has been closed.

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