7 items tagged with feeds

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Don't change URIs

March 9, 2007 - When you move things around on your web server, things break in unexpected ways.

Solving feed overload

December 22, 2006 - Feed reading often leads to information overload. What techniques might improve this?


RSS the Oprah Way

September 21, 2006 - "So, to make RSS much easier to understand, in Oprah speak, RSS stands for: I’m...

Introducing Feed Crier

August 19, 2006 - Feed Crier can keep you up to date with your feeds through instant messaging.

Content Management

Automating feed subscriptions

January 18, 2005 - Automatic RSS subscriptions are taking off thanks to some specs and working code from Randy Morin.


Feed usage and copyright

January 16, 2005 - A trademark lawyer has requested that Bloglines stop including his feed. The complaint? That Bloglines is a commercial service.

Content Management

Handling RSS in the browser

January 12, 2005 - People often forget that many of the problems faced by RSS and Atom are not new. They’ve already been solved, so instead of reinventing the wheel we should use the existing standards. How a browser handles an RSS feed is the latest example of this.