58 items tagged with rss

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Solving feed overload

December 22, 2006 - Feed reading often leads to information overload. What techniques might improve this?

High volume subscriptions via IM

November 21, 2006 - It seems a bit counter-intuitive, but I’m finding that the best way for me to keep up with high-volume feeds is to get them out of my reader and into Feed Crier.


Reality check

October 3, 2006 - "People still search for the domain name in search engines while we worry about what...


RSS the Oprah Way

September 21, 2006 - "So, to make RSS much easier to understand, in Oprah speak, RSS stands for: I’m...


Google Video RSS

September 15, 2006 - Get an RSS feed of Google Video searches straight from Google. (via Jason Bentley)...

Introducing Feed Crier

August 19, 2006 - Feed Crier can keep you up to date with your feeds through instant messaging.


Tags in RSS2

June 6, 2006 - Niall shows how to properly implement tags in RSS 2.0....

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