Content Management Archives
SimpleComments and MT 3.3 - fixed
An update to SimpleComments ensures compatibility with the latest MT versions.
SimpleComments and MT 3.3
SimpleComments won’t work with MT 3.3. A fix is forthcoming.
Related tags with and Movable type
How to add related tags to your tag pages with Movable Type.
MTAmazon Changes hands
The MTAmazon plugin gets a new lease on life.
Introducing Tagyu
Tagyu will suggest tags and keywords for you. Just tell it what you’re saying and it will tell you how to tag it.
Automating feed subscriptions
Automatic RSS subscriptions are taking off thanks to some specs and working code from Randy Morin.
Handling RSS in the browser
People often forget that many of the problems faced by RSS and Atom are not new. They’ve already been solved, so instead of reinventing the wheel we should use the existing standards. How a browser handles an RSS feed is the latest example of this.
Latest SimpleComments
An update to SimpleComments brings support for dynamic templates, a bug fix, better integration with MT3, and more.
PHP SimpleComments
SimpleComments for dynamically-published Movable Type sites.
SimpleComments fix
A fix for some perl warnings in SimpleComments.
Plugin maintenance
Tim Appnel has taken over a few of my plugins.
SimpleComments update
An update to SimpleComments allows you to include unapproved comments if you’d like.
Open Source Content Management still sucks
Last July I mentioned that open source CMS has some problems. Jeff Veen has discovered the same problems and has some suggestions.
Different templates for different categories
Notes on how to fake per-category templates in Movable Type.
Six Apart Musings
Thoughts on the future of Movable Type, Six Apart, and my plugins.
Autolink URLs in MT Entries
Automatically link URLs in your Movable Type entries.
Password protect your blog
Password protecting a Movable Type blog using Movable Type’s own user database.
SimpleComments and MT3
An update for SimpleComments that supports MT3.
Dirify in PHP
A port of Movable Type’s dirify function to PHP.
Updated Technorati Plugin
Jacques Distler emailed me to note that the Technorati API is now returning data encoded...
Breadcrumbs in Movable Type
How to create breadcrumb trails for Movable Type navigation.
RSS Strategies
Are you publishing in RSS? Have you received any benefits from it?
XHTML Services?
Jon Udell says that intranets should abandon Web services like SOAP and REST in favor of screen scraping XHTML. Hogwash.
EntryCount plugin
A Movable Type plugin that displays a running total of the number of entries in your blog.
MT Consulting
If you are using Movable Type on your site, I can help.
Alternate URLs
What happens if someone visits Or doesn’t add the www? Will they still find your site?
Ounce of prevention
Steps I’ve taken to deter comment spam and how to keep bots from finding your comment forms.
Remember Me, Movable Type
By making it easier for people to comment on your blog, more people will.
CMS Needs
Where’s the easy-to-use CMS for the average small Web site?
Technorati fix
Apparently the Technorati API service is experiencing some problems today that are causing errors for people using my Technorati plugin. The newest version of the plugin fixes this and adds a new feature.
Git yer Amazon Hacks
Amazon Hacks includes a couple of MTAmazon tips.
URIs are forever
Once you put a document online, links will point to that address forever.
RSS Feeds in Movable Type
Upgrading MT’s feed support
Send TrackBack pings to any site even if your blogging client doesn’t support TrackBack.
New MTAmazon forthcoming
A new version of MTAmazon will have some great new features. Filter BrowseNode and wishlist searches by keywords, search for items by price, and manage your customer’s Amazon shopping cart.
MT Text formatting buttons in Mozilla
Turn on Movable Type’s bold, italic, underline, and link buttons in Mozilla.
New Technorati plugin
A new version of the Technorati plugin handles errors in the Technorati XML better, has a bunch or new configuration options, and lets you use Movable Type date formatting commands.
Technorati plugin
Dave Sifry has opened up a Technorati interface that allows outside developers to use the Technorati data. I’ve whipped up a quick MT plugin that can get the Technorati link Cosmos for your entire blog or a specific entry and insert it into your blog pages.
Introducing Zempt, a multi-platform offline publishing tool for Movable Type.
Related Entries Revisited
A better way to create a list of related blog entries using MySQL fulltext indexes and the MTSQL plugin. Includes a complete technical overview of how the solution works and performance considerations.
MTAmazon, ETech and Jeff Bezos
Ben and Mena Trott met up with Jeff Bezos at ETech, and I bet they didn’t even mention MTAmazon.
SimpleComments 1.1
A new version of SimpleComments has comment numbers, entry containers, and can be used outside an entry.
Hosted Movable Type
Six Apart, the makers of Movable Type, have announed a hosted blogging service based on Movable Type techonology.
A port of some classic text filters to Movable Type. Translate your posts into Jive, Texas Drawl, Cockney, Swedish Chef, Valley Girl, German Accent, or Hunting Wabbits.
Project Blogging With Microsoft
SharePoint Team services sounds a lot like a FrontPage weblogging tool.
A Movable Type plugin that combines comments and TrackBacks into a single, simple list.
Comments, please
I’m testing out a new MT plugin that I’ve been working on, and I need your help. Please leave some comments and trackback pings on this entry.
External Links in new windows
Alter the behavior of external links in Movable Type.
A Movable Type plugin for plugin developers. Let people use expressions like <MTFoo bar="[MTEntryBody encode_xml="1"]"> in your plugins.
MTAmazon TrackBacks
Add your MTAmazon-powered site to the TrackBack-enabled list of example sites.
RSS Ads in Movable Type
Using the Regex plugin to insert intelligent advertising into an RSS feed.
Related Keywords
An undocumented feature of the Related Entries plugin for Movable Type.
Automatic Keywords
The problem with machine generated metadata is that it’s not always accurate.
Making sense of metrics
When analyzing metrics for your Web site, try to understand the reason behind the numbers. Low page views don’t always mean that people aren’t interested in the page contents.
Double spaces
Responding to Scott Johnson’s challenge, an MT plugin for converting spaces.
Content Publishing
If you are familiar with publishing, it shouldn’t be difficult to understand content management.
Sanitary comments
The Sanitize plugin improves security for outside HTML on Movable Type Weblogs.
Creating a comments feed
How to create an RSS feed of your recent comments in Movable Type.
Worth quoting
"The problem is that few portals... have much in the way of content management functionality..."
Recent Comments bug fix
A simple fix for a MySQL bug that kept Movable Type from displaying recent comments correctly.
The WordCount plugin learns a new trick.
Better Amazon links
Earn a higher commission on sales through MTAmazon and provide a better experience to your users.
Comment notification hack
Fix an annoying comment notification quirk in Movable Type.
Smart Content Management
Content management and the semantic Web.
Open Source CMS List
A list of open source content management systems and tools.
MTAmazon Sample Templates
Sample templates and output for MTAmazon.
Process Tags security update
You’ll want to read this if you use the Process Tags Movable Type plugin.
Process Tags plugin
A Movable Type plugin that allows you to use MT tags in your entry bodies, excerpts, category descriptions, or anywhere else.
Archive Date Header Plugin
MT plugin that groups your archives under a date header.
Unconventional use of MTAmazon
Brad Choate’s using the MTAmazon plugin in a different way.
MTAmazon 2.0
MTAmazon is a Movable Type plugin that displays products from on your site. It allows flexible searching and display of products from any of Amazon’s product categories. New in version 2.0 is caching, related products searching, and more tags for Amazon product information.
Amazon plugin
MTAmazon is a Movable Type plugin that uses your Amazon Associate membership to retreive products from Amazon. It allows flexible searching and display of products from any of Amazon’s product categories.
Smart Comments for Movable Type
How to put grammatically correct comment counts (0 replies, 1 reply, 2 replies) in your Movable Type pages without JavaScript, PHP, or other server-side scripting.
Related Entries Plugin
A Movable Type plugin that inserts entries that are in the same category as the current entry. Now version 1.1.
SmartBody Plugin
Another Movable Type plugin. This one is a smart excerpt tag. If an entry has an excerpt, this tag inserts it. If there isn’t an excerpt, the entry body is used instead. Also includes an MTEntryIfExcerpt tag.
NicknameLink Plugin
A Movable Type plugin that updates the MTEntryAuthorLink to use the author’s nickname.
Word count plugin for Movable Type
MTWordCount is a Movable Type plugin that counts your entry’s words and inserts it into your page. Version 1.4 includes an image count for photo blogs.
Managing Content Management
Users of Content Mangement Systems often find them more difficult to use than the way they used to do things, so they circumvent the system. A series of articles from various sites chronicles what can go wrong, how to fix it, and how to prevent the problems in the first place.
Salon's CMS
A great look at how Salon handles their publishing using open source software: "We’ll look...
Road paper
Business travelers often accumulate piles of paper in their briefcase and are then overwhelmed by...
Does your intranet suck?
"Scobleizer : Does your intranet suck? While I don’t agree with some of the list...