26 items tagged with design

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Simplified Form Errors

July 17, 2003 - One of the most frustrating experiences on the Web is filling out forms. When mistakes are made, the user is often left guessing what they need to correct. We’ve taken an approach that shows the user in no uncertain terms what needs to be fixed.

User Experience

Be yourself

June 13, 2003 - When does emulating Amazon’s user experience become copying?

User Experience

Rounded tab corners

May 25, 2003 - Jemima Pereira has added rounded corners to my CSS tabs code. By opening the code, it was made stronger. That’s the value of open source.

User Experience

Cingular Standards

April 22, 2003 - Cingular Wireless is now using CSS for their site layout.

User Experience

Another reason for favicons

January 19, 2003 - Including a favicon for your site makes it easier for people using tabbed browsers.

User Experience

Credible Design

November 19, 2002 - If you want your customers to have confidence in your company, make sure your site is well-designed.

User Experience

Commercial CSS layout

October 29, 2002 - Here’s a couple of large-scale Web sites that use CSS instead of tables for layout. Do you know of others?

User Experience

Embrace the medium

October 15, 2002 - The Web is different than print, television, or any other medium. To be successful, designers must embrace those differences.


Movable Designs

September 19, 2002 - Stolen MT designs show up in Radio.

User Experience

Search box patterns

September 9, 2002 - A thorough analysis of search interfaces.

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