11 items tagged with requirements

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Reality check

October 3, 2006 - "People still search for the domain name in search engines while we worry about what...

Who decides when it's right?

August 17, 2006 - It doesn’t matter if the solution is technically right, if it doesn’t match the end user’s needs, you’ve failed.

User Experience


June 13, 2006 - An intuitive interface is natural only because of previously-learned behaviors.

Product Management

DevShed's intro to Functional Specs

April 25, 2003 - DevShed’s introduction to writing functional specifications doesn’t have any new insight for experienced analysts.

User Experience

Staples.com: Yeah, we've got problems

February 15, 2003 - A shopping trip at Staples.com yields some advice on writing effective error messages and defining sensible software requirements.

Software Management

Agile requirements

September 19, 2002 - How to use solid requirements management principles in an agile environment.

Software Management

The Art of Use Cases

February 20, 2002 - Software Productivity Center E-ssentials | The Art of Use Cases: "In order to create a...

Software Management

Requirements Tools

February 20, 2002 - StickyMinds also has a list of requirements tools, although many of the tools are more...

Software Management

What Clients Want (part2)

February 15, 2002 - winterspeack.com’s Zimran Ahmed disagrees with Joel Spolsky’s article "The solution is not to pander to...

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