26 items tagged with design

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User Experience

Form or function in hotel design

November 17, 2015 - The hotel has one of the most beautifully designed rooms I’ve ever stayed in. It’s also the worst designed hotel room I’ve ever stayed in.


February 1, 2007 - Technorati’s logo for their new service looks familiar

User Experience


June 13, 2006 - An intuitive interface is natural only because of previously-learned behaviors.


Fresh paint

July 8, 2004 - I started refactoring the site and ended up with a new design.

User Experience


February 6, 2004 - Beautiful and useful signage.

User Experience

Rounded corners in CSS

July 23, 2003 - There lots of ways to create rounded corners with CSS, but they always require lots of complex HTML and CSS. This is simpler.

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