14 items tagged with css

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Fresh paint

July 8, 2004 - I started refactoring the site and ended up with a new design.

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Tab Wraps

October 10, 2003 - How to keep CSS tabs from wrapping to multiple lines.

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Online Readability

October 6, 2003 - You would think that a newspaper would know something about readability, but the Boston Globe is proving otherwise with their Web site.

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Combination layouts

September 19, 2003 - Do you know how to combine tables and CSS layout effectively?

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Outline numbering

August 7, 2003 - Outline numbering can be accomplished on the Web by using nested ordered lists and a bit of CSS.

User Experience

Becoming standard

August 6, 2003 - A year ago it was notable when a company redesigned with Web standards. Now it...

User Experience

Rounded corners in CSS

July 23, 2003 - There lots of ways to create rounded corners with CSS, but they always require lots of complex HTML and CSS. This is simpler.

User Experience

CSS dotted borders in IE

July 23, 2003 - One of the many irritating things about CSS support in Internet Explorer is that it incorrectly shows dashed borders instead of dotted borders. Here’s how you can fix that.

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