20 items tagged with bestof

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The best of 2006

December 24, 2006 - I wrote a lot of drivel in 2006. Here’s the things that are less crappy than the rest.

Business & Strategy

The importance of being good

May 25, 2006 - Starbucks is pulling CD burning stations from their stores. That says something interesting about their brand.

Business & Strategy

Lock-in is bad

December 14, 2005 - T-Mobile thinks they’ll get new Hotspot customers with exclusive content and locked-in devices.

Business & Strategy

Where do the RSS ad startups fit in?

November 16, 2005 - Yahoo’s RSS advertising service could spell trouble for pure-play RSS advertising services unless they adapt their business model.


The mouse and me

November 7, 2005 - Not only is the mouse very destructive, but it’s evaded all attempts to capture or kill it so far.


Pitching Bloggers

November 2, 2005 - Forget what you learned in your PR classes. Start acting like a human instead of a marketer, and the humans behind the blogs will respond.

Business & Strategy

How not to apply for a job

September 24, 2004 - Applying for a job isn’t that hard, but it does take some minimal effort and common sense.

Business & Strategy

Google on the desktop

July 13, 2004 - Google picks up Picasa, giving them an important foothold on people’s PCs.

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