26 items tagged with advertising

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Social advertising failings

February 12, 2008 - A marketer wanting to reach social network users needs to try some new tricks. Broadcasting contextual ads with your Google haiku isn’t going to cut it.

NetAudioAds: bad idea

January 24, 2008 - NetAudioAds says some shady things, doesn’t have an economically sound business model, and will drive your readers away.


Yahoo, Adobe team on PDF ads

November 28, 2007 - Yahoo, Adobe team on PDF ads — Dynamic ads served inside the PDF reader targeted...


John Kruk Is With Leather

March 12, 2007 - John Kruk Is With Leather — "Did anyone actually think this was a good idea?...


Link sales at W3C

July 12, 2006 - So text link ads are okay according to some. Do you feel the same if...

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