Stealing Flickr (February 2, 2006) Kevin's been borrowing things from Flickr. Quick, hide the silver.
5 items tagged with errormessages
Related tags: contigencydesign design statistics cookies tailrank
Simplified Form Errors (July 7, 2003) One of the most frustrating experiences on the Web is filling out forms. When mistakes are made, the user is often left guessing what they need to correct. We've taken an approach that shows the user in no uncertain terms what needs to be fixed.
No error at all (July 7, 2003) Apparently my software is trying to tell me something. If only I knew what that was. Yeah, we've got problems (February 2, 2003) A shopping trip at yields some advice on writing effective error messages and defining sensible software requirements.
Writting helpful error messages (March 3, 2002)