6 items tagged with testing

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Who decides when it's right?

August 17, 2006 - It doesn’t matter if the solution is technically right, if it doesn’t match the end user’s needs, you’ve failed.

Product Management

A case for product testing

April 19, 2003 - Make sure your product has the expected results when used in non-standard ways.

Software Management

Unit Testing

May 7, 2002 - Sticky Minds has a series of Word documents on Unit Testing Guidelines. A lot of...

Software Management

Software Lemons

March 21, 2002 - Most product manufacturers are held responsible for ensuring their products work as advertised. Software companies...

Software Management

Requirements Tools

February 20, 2002 - StickyMinds also has a list of requirements tools, although many of the tools are more...

Software Management

Customer testing

February 13, 2002 - The Archives page at ClickZ has an interesting problem. There are duplicate titles listed in...