29 items tagged with google

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Business & Strategy

Where do the RSS ad startups fit in?

November 16, 2005 - Yahoo’s RSS advertising service could spell trouble for pure-play RSS advertising services unless they adapt their business model.

Business & Strategy

How Yahoo's RSS Advertising works

November 16, 2005 - Here’s look at how Yahoo’s RSS ads work and a comparison to the ad insertion techniques of some of the other players.

Business & Strategy

Google on the desktop

July 13, 2004 - Google picks up Picasa, giving them an important foothold on people’s PCs.

Content Management

RSS Strategies

April 13, 2004 - Are you publishing in RSS? Have you received any benefits from it?


New Google features, UI

March 29, 2004 - Google’s released two new features and tweaked their UI. But where’s the RSS?

Content Management

XHTML Services?

January 1, 2004 - Jon Udell says that intranets should abandon Web services like SOAP and REST in favor of screen scraping XHTML. Hogwash.

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