Need someone to lead product management at your software company? I create software for people that create software and I'm looking for my next opportunity. Check out my resume and get in touch.

This is the blog of Adam Kalsey. Unusual depth and complexity. Rich, full body with a hint of nutty earthiness.

February 2002 Archives

DSL deregulation passes House February 28, 2002
Computerworld | Broadband bill wins House approval: "The legislation would eliminate requirements that incumbents open...

Spring fever February 28, 2002
I’ve been absent for the last few days, but I assure you that I’ll be...

Application firewalls February 25, 2002
As companies secure their physical networks with firewalls and strict security policies, hackers are turning...

Spam of the Day February 23, 2002
And now the part of our show where I make fun of a random piece...

Copy protection loses in court February 23, 2002
ZDNet | Copy-protected CD makers lose battle: "The companies have agreed to stop tracking personally...

Who owns music? February 23, 2002
The recording industry keeps suing online music companies for copyright violation. They have destroyed’s...

Criminal Customers February 23, 2002
The recording, television, and motion picture industries are treating their customer base as if they...

Swordfish February 22, 2002
One man stabbed another with a swordfish in a drunken brawl....

Customer Care February 22, 2002
Business 2.0 | Management Lesson #1: Speed Still Matters: "Customers' switching costs have been reduced...

Radio Scraper February 22, 2002
RssDistiller is an easy to use tool for creating scraped feeds from any web site...

Freelance Overload February 22, 2002 | Freelancers Find Success Accompanied By Longer Hours: "However, another big factor in freelance...

AOL Broadband February 22, 2002 | AOL Minds too Narrow for Broadband?: "AOL has indeed made a botch of...

Phone Spam February 22, 2002
Ring. "(Pre-recorded voice) Congratulations, you have been selected to win a free cellular phone. Press...

Email warning February 21, 2002
I love lawyers. When I signed up for Safeway’s online shopping service I received an...

New Trillian February 21, 2002
Trillian 0.725 is out. This restores AIM compatibility and fixes some bugs....

Safeway Delivers February 21, 2002
Contra Costa Times | Safeway rolls out its online delivery plan: "Safeway on Monday will...

Salon's CMS February 21, 2002
A great look at how Salon handles their publishing using open source software: "We’ll look...

Cell shields don't work February 21, 2002
Mercury News | Feds: Cell Phone Shields Are Bogus: "Some shields touted as protecting cell...

Find anything? February 20, 2002
Looking through the stats for, I find that someone requested 4 pages with WebTrends...

Movies online February 20, 2002 | MGM Testing Online Movie Distribution: "MGM has teamed with CinemaNow Inc., an Internet...

Newsletter quality February 20, 2002
At some point I must have given my email address to Classmates. I don’t remember...

The Art of Use Cases February 20, 2002
Software Productivity Center E-ssentials | The Art of Use Cases: "In order to create a...

Mergers as an advantage February 20, 2002
McKinsey Quarterly | Learning from high-tech deals: "For most companies, acquisitions and other transactions are...

Requirements Tools February 20, 2002
StickyMinds also has a list of requirements tools, although many of the tools are more...

Bug categorization February 20, 2002 | Categorizing Defects by Eliminating "Severity" and "Priority": "I recommend eliminating the Severity and...

Google Ad Auction February 20, 2002
Mercury News | Google will let Web sites bid for higher rankings in ad listings:...

Secure by design February 20, 2002
The Register | 'Penetrate and patch' e-business security is grim: "Application security flaws introduced early...

Death of a Portal February 19, 2002
From September 2001: | Death of a Portal: Monopoly Money Asks Excite@Home to Go...

Be Inc sues Microsoft February 19, 2002
The Register: "Be Inc is suing Microsoft for the destruction of its business. A damages...

Web Rage February 19, 2002
InformationWeek | Count To 10, Then Read This: "When people get mad at the Internet,...

Supreme Court To Hear Copyright Extension Case February 19, 2002
Wired News | High Court Hears Copyright Case: "In a case initiated by an Internet...

Perl Monks RSS February 19, 2002
Cool. Perl Monks has an RSS feed....

Unintroduction to Web Services February 19, 2002 | What Web Services Are NOT: "While most people are in alignment regarding the...

New Job site February 18, 2002
Mercury News | Big employers band together on recruiting site: "Fed up with paying big...

Thumboard February 18, 2002
Maximum PDA has a review of the Seiko Thumboard. I loved the thumb keyboard on...

AOL IM BS February 18, 2002 | Instant Messaging: Tear Down the Walls: "[AOL] consistently says [third-party AIM client] applications...

Site Refactoring February 17, 2002
The process of creating a structure for this site is a real-world case study for...

Measuring Success February 16, 2002
The Rational Edge | Success Criteria Breed Success: "Ill-defined, unrealistic, or poorly communicated success criteria...

Process for one February 16, 2002
The Rational Edge | A Software Development Process for a Team of One: "Who said...

Kick February 16, 2002
Don’t let anyone tell you that geeks don’t know how to party....

Spam of the Day February 16, 2002
"Subject: If Your Hotel Rooms Don’t Look Bran New... " It’s important that hotel rooms...

Randomness February 15, 2002
I was perusing the Random Headline feed from Syndic8 and I came across an article...

Bug Costs February 15, 2002
Billion Dollar Bugs: "Your bugs, design flaws, and security holes could cost your customers billions...

IA Deliverables February 15, 2002
Concrete Aspects of Information Architecture: IA tools and approaches: "Two IAs describe the deliverables an...

Home fileserver February 15, 2002
A few weeks ago I read an article on kcgeek about creating a terabyte storage...

No Open Access? February 15, 2002
Washington Post | FCC Proposes Broadband Rules: "If adopted, the [proposed FCC] rules would hand...

What Clients Want (part2) February 15, 2002’s Zimran Ahmed disagrees with Joel Spolsky’s article "The solution is not to pander to...

Wireless Advantage February 15, 2002
O'Reilly Network | Easy 802.11b Wireless for Small Businesses: "Now think about how this can...

What Clients Want February 15, 2002
Joel on Software | The Iceberg Secret, Revealed: "Assume that your customers don’t know what...

Customer testing February 13, 2002
The Archives page at ClickZ has an interesting problem. There are duplicate titles listed in...

Subject Marketing February 13, 2002
ClickZ | The Science of Subject Lines: "Over the last few years, I’ve seen marketers...

Accessiblity Design February 13, 2002
Dartmouth’s Web teaching site has a 20 page Word Document describing specific guidelines for creating...

Opera Has SmartTags February 13, 2002 | Opera: Hitting Its Highest Note Yet: "Version 6.0 of Opera for Windows introduces...

Gillmor on the PVR lawsuit February 13, 2002
Dan Gillmor | Entertainment industry’s copyright fight puts consumers in cross hairs: "If the business...

Comcast stops tracking February 13, 2002 | Comcast: Will Stop Tracking Users: "Comcast Corp. pledged Wednesday to immediately stop recording...

Generic Names February 12, 2002
Advanced Information Solutions Debuts Advanced Practice Management Software for Law Firms: "Advanced Information Solutions, Inc....

Shades of Gray February 12, 2002
Elegant Hack: gray advice: "Users think a grayed out link is simply a gray link,...

The Crime of Sharing February 12, 2002
New Architect: The Crime of Sharing "Over the last several years, the entertainment industry has...

Common Licenses February 11, 2002
Lawrence Lessig is creating a set of licenses for software developers, artists, and writers to...

Criminal Recording February 11, 2002
MGM, Fox, Universal Studios and Orion Pictures have filed a lawsuit that claims that it’s...

Ars Digita Crumbles February 8, 2002
Philip Greenspun’s Ars Digita is gone. A while back he took on some investors and...

Streaming Superbowl commercials February 4, 2002
Watch the Superbowl advertisements online.

Scotch vs. Cognac February 2, 2002
Do scotch and congac taste the same?