13 items tagged with wireless

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Business & Strategy

Lock-in is bad

December 14, 2005 - T-Mobile thinks they’ll get new Hotspot customers with exclusive content and locked-in devices.


Carmel Coffee Marketing

December 5, 2003 - The owner of a Carmel coffee company demonstrates a very effective marketing technique.

Security & Privacy

NAT is not a firewall

October 8, 2003 - A NAT router simply denies incomming traffic that it doesn’t understand. That’s one function of a firewall, but not the only one.


Sea-Tac Wireless

June 12, 2003 - Even though I was sitting right under one of the signs indicating an access point, Netstumbler couldn’t make a connection. Now when I see Centrino ads, all I’m going to remember are the access points I couldn’t access.

Products and Tools

A bright idea

May 13, 2003 - Put a wireless access point anywhere you have a lightbulb.


Living in stereo

April 27, 2003 - Some thoughts on using MP3 libraries on your computer, with and without wires.


Wireless to go

April 19, 2003 - A small wireless access point makes it easy to set up wireless networks anywhere I go.

Product Management

Library Access

January 21, 2003 - Always be on the lookout to provide additional value to your customers, especially if you can do it without adding any cost.


Rethinking Warchalking

January 21, 2003 - Warchalks are just advertising for open wireless networks.

Business & Strategy

Switching wireless

December 30, 2002 - Wireless phone providers are going to need to up their level of service now that they are losing a competitive advantage.

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