17 items tagged with strategy

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Business & Strategy

Strategy Means Saying No

October 27, 2020 - An oft-overlooked aspect of strategy is to define what you are not doing. There are lots of adjacent problems you can attack. Strategy means defining which ones you will ignore.

Business & Strategy

Understanding vision, strategy, and execution

October 24, 2020 - Vision is what you’re trying to do. Strategy is broad strokes on how you’ll get there. Execution is the tasks you complete to complete the strategy.


Brain drain

October 23, 2007 - Brain drain — "But the young net natives, for the most part, rank too low...

Working with open source

May 22, 2007 - Sun’s CEO’s thoughts on how open source models and companies have shaped Sun.

Business & Strategy

Think or do

July 13, 2006 - Ideas are a dime a dozen. Executing them is what’s valuable.

Business & Strategy

Small Businesses missing the Web

January 3, 2003 - Many small businesses don’t think they need a Web site. But having a site can enhance any business, save money, and increase revenue.

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