RFID Privacy (December 12, 2003) RFID privacy concerns are largely overblown. Companies are already drowing in data. and turning that data into useful information is a lot harder than it sounds. Companies, governments, and individuals already have far easier and more effective ways of gathering information about you than RFID can provide.
8 items tagged with privacy
Related tags: webbugs guess rfidnews donotcalllist drm
Ecommerce liability (June 6, 2003) Guess has been fined by the government for leaving their Web site open to known security vulnerabilities. What affect will this have on your business?
Web bug education (November 11, 2002) The anti-Web bug initiative will be ignored by unscrupulous marketers, but it will also serve to educate everyone else.
DoubleClick's privacy settlement (September 9, 2002) A quick overview of the events leading to DoubleClick's privacy settlement.
Block Outlook receipts (August 8, 2002) A tool for blocking read receipts in MS Outlook.
Copy protection loses in court (February 2, 2002)
Comcast stops tracking (February 2, 2002)
Nationwide Do Not Call List (January 1, 2002) Lawmakers consider a nationwide telemarketing opt-out list.