18 items tagged with microsoft

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Inside Google

June 26, 2007 - A look inside Google from a former and now current Microsoft employee.


Microsoft needs Wizards

May 3, 2007 - Microsoft needs Wizards — A recruitment letter looking for software engineers for Microsoft posted to...


Zune Marketplace Confusion

November 14, 2006 - Zune Marketplace’s Absurd Pricing Scheme—"What you are in fact doing is giving an...


Startups jobs - Simplelinks

April 20, 2006 - Startups, employment, and Enterprise 2.0 make appearances in today’s Simplelinks

Business & Strategy

Google on the desktop

July 13, 2004 - Google picks up Picasa, giving them an important foothold on people’s PCs.

User Experience

IE6 CSS bug

April 22, 2003 - Working around yet another Internet Explorer CSS bug and other frustrations.


Microsoft blogs

April 19, 2003 - Many Microsoft employees have their own blogs. In addition to some great insight into the company, this provides a lesson to your own company.

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