Build the whole product (October 10, 2023) Your code is only part of the product
7 items tagged with sales
Related tags: productmanagement charity innovation businesspundit marketing
The Trap of The Sales-Led Product (December 12, 2020) It's not a winning way to build a product company.
How the Sales organization in a large company slows innovation (November 11, 2018) If you have a new innovative product inside a large established company, it can be much harder to reach product market fit than it would be for the same product in a startup.
The Introvert's Guide To Selling (October 10, 2007)
Candy Pile (April 4, 2006) The virtual fundraiser was a success.
Retainer offer (June 6, 2003) It has occurred to me that I've never actually asked for business from my readers. So as something of an experiment, I'm going to make an offer that is exclusively open to you, my weblog readers.
What Clients Want (part2) (February 2, 2002)