Building the Next Big Thing: A Framework for Your Second Product (November 11, 2024) You need a first product sooner than you think. Here's a framework for helping you identify a winner.
10 items tagged with product
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Reframe How You Think About Users of your Internal Platform (November 11, 2023) Changing from "Customers" to "Partners" will give you a better perspective on internal product development.
Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand (September 9, 2020) To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.
The Components of A Developer Experience (September 9, 2020) Making your API a well-rounded product will help developers decide if your API is right for them and help grow their usage.
Principles of Developer Experience: An Introduction (September 9, 2020) You can create a great developer experience for everything you build. Introducing the six principles of developer experience.
Ask One Question To Help You Reach Product-Market Fit (September 9, 2020) Learn what adjacent problems you need to solve to become twice as valuable to your customers.
Product Manager Career Ladder (August 8, 2019) What are the steps along the product management career path?
Building the Customer-Informed Product (August 8, 2019) Strong products aren't composed of a list of features dictated by customers. They are guided by strong visions, and the execution of that vision is the primary focus of product development.
How the Sales organization in a large company slows innovation (November 11, 2018) If you have a new innovative product inside a large established company, it can be much harder to reach product market fit than it would be for the same product in a startup.
Turkey Legs (May 5, 2016) Product naming gone awry.