Developer Experience Principle 5: Easy to Trust (October 10, 2020) A developer building part of their business on your product needs to believe that you're going to do the right thing for them and their customers.
12 items tagged with api
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Developer Experience Principle 3: Easy to Build (October 10, 2020) A product makes it Easy to Build by focusing on productivity for developers building real-world applications.
Developer Experience Principle 2: Easy to Use (September 9, 2020) Making it Easy to Use means letting the developer do everything without involving you.
Developer Experience Principle 1: Easy to Understand (September 9, 2020) To create a great developer experience, you must strive for a product that is Easy to Understand. Reduce the amount of thinking that someone needs to do. Make their first encounter with your product clear and easy.
The Components of A Developer Experience (September 9, 2020) Making your API a well-rounded product will help developers decide if your API is right for them and help grow their usage.
Principles of Developer Experience: An Introduction (September 9, 2020) You can create a great developer experience for everything you build. Introducing the six principles of developer experience.
Versioning web services (February 2, 2006) I'm looking for best practices in managing a public web services API.
Tagyu API: Related tags (February 2, 2006) Tagyu's API now supplies related tags
Tagyu API update (February 2, 2006) Tagyu's API now suggests categories as well as tags.
Projects need leadership (July 7, 2003) Being a leader is hard. Not everyone will like you if you stand up for your principles. But people don't lead because they want to be popular.
The Not RSS thing (July 7, 2003) There's a new API spec being proposed, so you'd think I'd be getting involved. But I don't really have the energy.
Sorting Amazon (October 10, 2002) Amazon's backend is showing and they are revealing some interesting flaws in their system.