10 items tagged with music

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Leisure suits

March 24, 2006 - Music everywhere, computing on the run, and sports commercials make up this edition of Simplelinks.

Dangerously Meta

February 25, 2006 - What happens when one music recommedation engine feeds another?

Business & Strategy

The band gets it

December 14, 2002 - The best way for a local band to build a following is to give away their music.

News and Commentary

A reason to buy

September 18, 2002 - Anti-piracy measures that reward music fans instead of punishing them.

Consumer preference vs. RIAA

March 16, 2002 - Most successful companies are driven by the needs and desires of their customer base. After...


Who owns music?

February 23, 2002 - The recording industry keeps suing online music companies for copyright violation. They have destroyed MP3.com’s...

News and Commentary

Criminal Customers

February 23, 2002 - The recording, television, and motion picture industries are treating their customer base as if they...