8 items tagged with piracy

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Broadcast Flag

November 11, 2003 - Piracy is certainly a problem, but technological solutions that trample on consumer’s rights are abhorrent.


I've been robbed.

March 31, 2003 - My work is being passed off by another company as their own. Whatever shall I do?


RIAA inflation

December 18, 2002 - RIAA claims that the Internet is killing the music buisiness. Are they telling the truth?

Business & Strategy

The band gets it

December 14, 2002 - The best way for a local band to build a following is to give away their music.

News and Commentary

A reason to buy

September 18, 2002 - Anti-piracy measures that reward music fans instead of punishing them.


Plug Hollywood's hole

June 14, 2002 - Hollywood wants to outlaw every device that might be able to make unauthorized copies of copyrighted works.


The Crime of Sharing

February 12, 2002 - New Architect: The Crime of Sharing "Over the last several years, the entertainment industry has...