Using Google Voice as your voicemail on AT&T (October 10, 2010) How I set up my iPhone to use Google Voice as it's voicemail system.
10 items tagged with iphone
Related tags: apple ssh hacks software edge
Bright Kite feature idea (November 11, 2008) How about automatic checkin for Bright Kite?
iPhone SDK "publisher" (March 3, 2008) Someone will buy into the iPhone developer program and become an app publisher for free apps.
AppSnapp (October 10, 2007)
iPhone dialing annoyances (September 9, 2007) A few annoyances with the iPhone's phone interface.
What's this mean? (August 8, 2007) I have an odd icon on my iPhone screen.
SSH on my iPhone - easy (August 8, 2007) An SSH client in your pocket.
Tether your iPhone: EDGE internet on your laptop (August 8, 2007)
WebShell (July 7, 2007)
iPhone IM client (July 7, 2007)