SSH on my iPhone - easy
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23 Aug 2007
I’d been wanting to play with some of the cool iPhone hacks, but most of the tools available are for Intel Macs. For the next few months, I’m still using a G4 PowerBook, so I’d been stymied. Using Nullriver’s, however, I’ve been able to install several apps, including a VT100 terminal and OpenSSH.
You can’t use the SSH client to do any serious work—if you switch away from the terminal app your session closes. That means if your phone rings in the midst of a session, you’re done. But for emergency use out on the road, you can’t beat an SSH client in your pocket.
Brad Choate
August 23, 2007 2:45 PM
if you switcha way from the terminal app your session closes. I recommend using screen on the server you're connecting to so the session is at least preserved on that end.
David Hopkins
September 14, 2007 3:59 AM
Impressive. Shame about the hang up. It certainly is a useful thing to have when your not in front of a computer.
April 9, 2008 12:27 PM
Connect and type 'screen -S iphone', then do your work. If you get disconnected, reconnect and type 'screen -R iphone' and pick up where you left off. If you are doing serious work over ANY WiFi connection and aren't using screen, you are asking for it. My laptop has dropped connection from the WAP during various crucial tasks on my Linux server, but screen has saved me from having a mess on my hands several times.
Adam Kalsey
April 9, 2008 12:36 PM
It's not so much having the processes keep running when I get disconnected. The thing that drags on me is the process of reconnecting. I'm hesitant to add ssh keys to my iphone. And typing complex passwords is a pain in the ass.
April 19, 2008 5:06 PM
I'm a big fan of the SSH function. I use it on a daily basis, mostly to change backgrounds or to upload pdf docs to my phone.
Richard Metcalfe
June 18, 2008 2:34 PM
Hi, this sure seams to be a handy touch, hopefully they brink out an upgrade which stores what your doing if you have a Pone call.
August 6, 2008 1:30 AM
Im having a problem using screen. I want to be able to close my connection, but am unable to because I can't use ctrl+a d or figure out a way to close the ssh app. Any suggestions?
August 14, 2008 5:49 PM
same prob, i can initiate a connection with something, but come close it , im screwed.. any help is appreciated !
Sam Logon
November 21, 2008 3:06 AM
Did anyone ever solve these issues?
September 3, 2009 10:28 PM
"swipe" up towards the top right for about an inch, it'll give you the ctrl+c sequence, also type exit in ssh to exit the ssh session.
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