12 items tagged with commentspam

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Security & Privacy

Why IP banning is useless

February 10, 2004 - Many proposals for eliminating comment spam are focused on banning or throttling comments from the IP address of the spammer. What those proposals fail to address is that IP addresses are neither unique nor hard to come by.

Security & Privacy

Spammer discussion

January 11, 2004 - Inside the (very small) minds of comment spammers.

Security & Privacy

Spam Talk

November 9, 2003 - I had a comment spammer’s site shut down. Apparently the spammer didn’t appreciate it.

Security & Privacy

Filtered Comments

October 10, 2003 - Content filtering won’t do a thing to prevent comment spam.

Security & Privacy

Spam and Vandals, part 2

October 5, 2003 - My theories about spammers acting like graffiti artists appear to be correct.

Security & Privacy

Spam begets spam

September 21, 2003 - If you want to reduce the flow of comment spam to your site, be vigilant in removing the ones that do get posted. Leaving them up, even for a short time, can catch the eye of more spammers.

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