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Security & Privacy

Spammer discussion

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This blog post is over 20 years old. It's possible that the information you read below isn't current and the links no longer work.

Blog and guestbook spammers are discussing spam techniques in this Usenet thread found by Andy Baio.

It’s an interesting read. One of the main characters is a moron who shows his ignorance at every turn. There are many claims that what they are doing is Search Engine Optimization (SEO). There are legitimate SEO companies, and there are guys like these. If you are hiring a SEO company, make sure you know what techniques they are using or you might end up with a site marketed in the same manner as the porn and prescription drug schemes they are discussing.

They also linked to my AP News article on spam. So they know we’re watching.


Matt Burris
January 12, 2004 2:09 AM

It is a shame that they give legitimate SEO companies a bad name, but I've never been fond of SEO in the first place. I think it's taking advantage of search engines, and destroying the idea of what search engines are for. I know everyone wants to increase their exposure and/or business, and that's understandable, but sometimes the SEO techniques cross the line between ethical and non-ethical, and most of them don't know where that line is. As we take the fight to the spammers more and more, and they keep losing the battle, we'll likely see moronic discussions like this. They band together (which is a rare occasion, more than likely) to figure out how to overcome our efforts on battling them.

Trackback from John's Jottings
January 12, 2004 4:07 AM

Comment Spammers

Excerpt: Comment spamming is really becoming a huge pain in the neck for webloggers. It's truly a battle. MT-Blacklist handles most of it, especially now that I have automated the updating of the blacklist, but there are still some that get through. Earlier thi...

Will Pate
January 12, 2004 5:55 AM

Part of what I do could technically be considered SEO, but I'd never say that becuase those 3 syllables scream "phony" to me, in a large part thanks to these jerks.

January 12, 2004 8:18 AM

Not to sound like a sniveling prick, but I found the usenet thread first.

Trackback from
January 12, 2004 8:52 AM

Comment Spammers Discussing Spamming

Excerpt: Ahh, the power of usenet, where comment spammers thrive. [via Stupid Evil Bastard]...

Andy Baio
January 13, 2004 12:06 PM

Yep, I found it on Mark's site. I need to start crediting my quicklinks.

January 19, 2004 6:39 AM

I had 2600 spam comments and 3 real comments over the weekend. I'm tired. With scripts like FloodMT floating around online, mass-spamming blogs is now as easy as creating VB-style worms/viruses for Outlook and "script-kiddies" are hard to stop... Argh, the frustration...

October 29, 2006 10:01 PM

wanna get daily "spammer discussion list" on my email address. thanks payal

May 7, 2007 11:44 AM

How can I block IPs that I suspect are posting cross site scripts onto my server. I keep seeing funny folders and php virus/trojans appearing in my folder and my error log would display funny ip addresses trying to access some of those files after I have deleted them from the server. Thanks and regards to all

This discussion has been closed.

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