feeds deemed annoying (September 9, 2006)'s feeds have annoyed me to the point of unsubscribing.
6 items tagged with blogger
Related tags: mitadlab rss bubblegeneration ibm livejournal
Google on the desktop (July 7, 2004) Google picks up Picasa, giving them an important foothold on people's PCs.
Spider-Man marketing by Blog (January 1, 2004) Sony Pictures is getting free marketing on blogs with the creation of Spider-Man 2 blog template sets.
Projects need leadership (July 7, 2003) Being a leader is hard. Not everyone will like you if you stand up for your principles. But people don't lead because they want to be popular.
Hosted Movable Type (April 4, 2003) Six Apart, the makers of Movable Type, have announed a hosted blogging service based on Movable Type techonology.
Blogger Pro (January 1, 2002) Details on the upcoming Blogger Pro.