20 items tagged with bestof

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Security & Privacy

Comment Spam Manifesto

November 8, 2003 - Spammers are hereby put on notice. Your comments are not welcome. If the purpose behind your comment is to advertise yourself, your Web site, or a product that you are affiliated with, that comment is spam and will not be tolerated. We will hit you where it hurts by attacking your source of income.

User Experience

California State Fair

July 28, 2003 - The California State Fair lets you buy tickets in advance from their Web site. That’s good. But the site is a horror house of usability problems.

User Experience

Rounded corners in CSS

July 23, 2003 - There lots of ways to create rounded corners with CSS, but they always require lots of complex HTML and CSS. This is simpler.

Simplified Form Errors

July 17, 2003 - One of the most frustrating experiences on the Web is filling out forms. When mistakes are made, the user is often left guessing what they need to correct. We’ve taken an approach that shows the user in no uncertain terms what needs to be fixed.

Business & Strategy

Writing Realistic Job Descriptions

July 10, 2003 - Publish a job listing like this one and you are virtually guaranteeing that you won’t get qualified applicants for the position.

User Experience

Let it go

June 9, 2003 - Netscape 4 is six years old.


Best of Newly Digital

June 6, 2003 - There have been dozens of Newly Digital entries from all over the world. Here are some of the best.


Newly Digital

May 31, 2003 - Newly Digital is an experimental writing project. I’ve asked 11 people to write about their early experiences with computing technology and post their essays on their weblogs. So go read, enjoy, and then contribute. This collection is open to you. Write up your own story, and then let the world know about it.

User Experience

Embrace the medium

October 15, 2002 - The Web is different than print, television, or any other medium. To be successful, designers must embrace those differences.

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