20 items tagged with management

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Management & Leadership

What agenda items should a manager bring to a 1:1?

December 23, 2018 - At least 80% of a 1:1 agenda should be driven by your report, but if you also to use this time to work on things with them, then you’ll have better meetings.

Management & Leadership

One on One meetings for managers

November 26, 2018 - A one on one meeting is one of the top ways you can build your managerial leverage

Management & Leadership

Stretching your team

June 11, 2018 - Stretching your team is one of the best ways to improve your output, your team’s happiness, and your velocity. But they’ll need coaching.

News and Commentary

Ars Digita Crumbles

February 8, 2002 - Philip Greenspun’s Ars Digita is gone. A while back he took on some investors and...

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