Your Policies Aren’t Your Culture (December 12, 2024) Policies guide behavior, but culture is the lived norms and values of your team. Policies reflect culture -- they don’t define it. Netflix’s parental leave shift didn’t change its culture of freedom and responsibility. It clarified how to live it.
17 items tagged with management
Related tags: 11 oneonone meetings productmanagement process
Lighten Your Process Burden (December 12, 2024) Everyone hates oppressive processes, but somehow we keep managing to create them.
My productivity operating system (June 6, 2024) A framework for super-charging productivity on the things that matter.
How I use OKRs (October 10, 2023) A description of how I use OKRs to guide a team, written so I can send to future teams.
TV hosts as a guide for software managers (May 5, 2020) Software managers can learn a lot from journalists or late night TV hosts and how they interview people.
The Improvement Flywheel (April 4, 2020) An incredible flywheel for the improvement of a development team. Fix a few things, and everything starts getting better.
Managers and technical ability (December 12, 2019) In technical fields, the closer you are to the actual work being done, the closer your skills need to resemble those of the people doing the work.
Dysfunctions of output-oriented software teams (September 9, 2019) Whatever you call it, the symptom is that you're measuring your progress by how much you build and deliver instead of measuring success by the amount of customer value you create.
Assumptions and project planning (February 2, 2019) When your assumptions change, it's reasonable that your project plans and needs change as well. But too many managers are afraid to go back and re-work a plan that they've already agreed to.
Are 1:1s confidential? (January 1, 2019) Is the discussion that occurs in a 1:1 confidential, even if no agreed in the meeting to keep it so?
Skip-level 1:1s are your hidden superpower (January 1, 2019) Holding 1:1s with peers and with people far below you on the reporting chain will open your eyes up to what's really going on in your business.
Do you need a 1:1 if you're regularly communicating with your team? (December 12, 2018) You're simply not having deep meaningful conversation about the process of work in hallway conversations or in your chat apps.
What agenda items should a manager bring to a 1:1? (December 12, 2018) At least 80% of a 1:1 agenda should be driven by your report, but if you also to use this time to work on things with them, then you'll have better meetings.
Handling "I don't have anything to talk about" in your 1:1s (December 12, 2018) When someone says they have nothing to discuss, they're almost always thinking too narrowly.
What should you talk about in a 1:1? (December 12, 2018) Who sets the agenda? What should you discuss, and what should you avoid discussing?
One on One meetings for managers: Frequency and Duration (November 11, 2018) How long should your 1:1s be? How often should you run them?
One on One meetings for managers (November 11, 2018) A one on one meeting is one of the top ways you can build your managerial leverage