5 items tagged with billzeller

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Mefi Datamining

January 23, 2008 - Bill Zeller creates a data mining app for the Mefi metadata

Product Management

Zen development

June 28, 2003 - Bill Zeller explains the idea behind iterative programming and the release early release often mentality with a short zen parable.


Donations and open source teams

June 23, 2003 - Many open source projects accept donations as a way of funding their development efforts and I’m wondering how these donations are typically distributed among team members.


Newly Digital

May 31, 2003 - Newly Digital is an experimental writing project. I’ve asked 11 people to write about their early experiences with computing technology and post their essays on their weblogs. So go read, enjoy, and then contribute. This collection is open to you. Write up your own story, and then let the world know about it.


Anatomy of a meme

May 23, 2003 - The Button Maker GUI spent some time at the top of the three weblog popularity indexes. Here’s how it got there and what kind of site traffic that it generated.