9 items tagged with zempt

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March 13, 2006 - The end of an era


On consulting and focus

September 28, 2004 - I’ve got too much on my plate. Want to help me clean it off?

Products and Tools

Zempt competitor?

July 25, 2003 - What the SocialDynamX MT application is and how it affects Zempt.

The Not RSS thing

July 2, 2003 - There’s a new API spec being proposed, so you’d think I’d be getting involved. But I don’t really have the energy.

Products and Tools

Zempt 0.3

July 1, 2003 - Zempt 0.3 is out and ready for download. If you’ve tried it before and didn’t...


Donations and open source teams

June 23, 2003 - Many open source projects accept donations as a way of funding their development efforts and I’m wondering how these donations are typically distributed among team members.


Anatomy of a meme

May 23, 2003 - The Button Maker GUI spent some time at the top of the three weblog popularity indexes. Here’s how it got there and what kind of site traffic that it generated.

Content Management


May 5, 2003 - Introducing Zempt, a multi-platform offline publishing tool for Movable Type.