August 2002 Archives
The WordCount plugin learns a new trick.
SpamAssassin mail proxy
Filter your mail for spam with this perl tool.
Total Experience
A great Web site, cheap prices, and bad service. Which will your customers remember?
Microsoft Information Architecture
Information architecture of Microsoft’s Intranet.
Usability of Microwave Meals
Why is it this difficult to make a microwave meal?
Anti filter
Do spam filters violate the rights of email users?
Ironic misspelling
An announcement for a spelling correction feature that contains misspellings.
Better Amazon links
Earn a higher commission on sales through MTAmazon and provide a better experience to your users.
Block Outlook receipts
A tool for blocking read receipts in MS Outlook.
Wrong Number?
Could someone explain this odd telephone call?
Comment notification hack
Fix an annoying comment notification quirk in Movable Type.
Moving Day
This site is moving to a new host, so you may experience some funkiness for...
Perfect Martini
How to create a great martini
Goodbye links
What happens when you break links to your site and your competitor doesn’t? Sites link to your competition instead of you.
Quality Service
In contrast to yesterday’s host, Insider Hosting has stellar customer contact.
Ignoring customers
Ignoring your email turns off potential customers.
Another list of design patterns
More on design patterns.
Smart Content Management
Content management and the semantic Web.
Open Source CMS List
A list of open source content management systems and tools.
MTAmazon Sample Templates
Sample templates and output for MTAmazon.
Process Tags security update
You’ll want to read this if you use the Process Tags Movable Type plugin. ping
For those that care, we now ping
Process Tags plugin
A Movable Type plugin that allows you to use MT tags in your entry bodies, excerpts, category descriptions, or anywhere else.
Archive Date Header Plugin
MT plugin that groups your archives under a date header.
Unconventional use of MTAmazon
Brad Choate’s using the MTAmazon plugin in a different way.