7 items tagged with informationarchitecture

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April 20, 2006 - You can now convert your Visio wireframes to HTML.

Content Management

Making sense of metrics

November 7, 2002 - When analyzing metrics for your Web site, try to understand the reason behind the numbers. Low page views don’t always mean that people aren’t interested in the page contents.

Content Management

Content Publishing

October 9, 2002 - If you are familiar with publishing, it shouldn’t be difficult to understand content management.

User Experience

Dealing with hierarchies

April 20, 2002 - SAP Design Guild’s series on hierarchies has a lot of good information on the design...


Site Refactoring

February 17, 2002 - The process of creating a structure for this site is a real-world case study for...

User Experience

IA Deliverables

February 15, 2002 - Concrete Aspects of Information Architecture: IA tools and approaches: "Two IAs describe the deliverables an...