11 items tagged with scottjohnson

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March 13, 2006 - I’ve joined Ookle’s advisory board

Tubes Music

February 11, 2006 - Networking and the surprising connections to local resources.

Business & Strategy

To those who've asked...

January 11, 2006 - I don’t have an inside track to Ookles, so please stop asking.


Keyword confusion

June 18, 2003 - Some of my document metadata was misinterpreted by a reader. Should I be doing something differently?


Build your brand

June 16, 2003 - Consultants who blog report that their blogs don’t earn them clients. So why should they keep on blogging? It builds their brand.

Products and Tools


June 14, 2003 - Snoopy is a PHP class for developing Web clients. It can submit forms, grab pages, scrape text, and more.

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