Related tags with and Movable type (June 6, 2006) How to add related tags to your tag pages with Movable Type.
11 items tagged with folksonomy
Related tags: tags simplelinks tagging tagyu web20
Tags in RSS2 (June 6, 2006)
Autodiscovery of hierarchies through tagging (May 5, 2006) Some thoughts on placing documents into a taxonomy by analyzing folksonomies surrounding the document.
Retail tagging (May 5, 2006)
Startups jobs - Simplelinks (April 4, 2006) Startups, employment, and Enterprise 2.0 make appearances in today's Simplelinks
Tagging ads (April 4, 2006) Tagging, icons, advertising, entreprenuership, application lists, and more are in this edition of Simplelinks
Tack-it (March 3, 2006)
Business in the front, REST in the back (March 3, 2006)
Tagyu API: Related tags (February 2, 2006) Tagyu's API now supplies related tags
State Of the Union tags (February 2, 2006) Tags for State Of The Union speeches.
Introducing Tagyu (October 10, 2005) Tagyu will suggest tags and keywords for you. Just tell it what you're saying and it will tell you how to tag it.