September 2006 Archives
Snapple grapple
Grapple? No, snapple....
Mysql Tuners
Tuning a new MySQL install from the excellent MySQL performance blog....
Sacramento Geek Dinner
Sac Geeks, unite. And have some Chinese food.
RSS the Oprah Way
"So, to make RSS much easier to understand, in Oprah speak, RSS stands for: I’m... feeds deemed annoying’s feeds have annoyed me to the point of unsubscribing.
Enterprise fears
Overcoming management fears of Enterprise 2.0...
Google Video RSS
Get an RSS feed of Google Video searches straight from Google. (via Jason Bentley)...
Broadcasting on the Internet
NBC’s new video strategy is not the future of media.
Numbnuts Broadcasting
"No, fool, you made a lot of money from YouTube because your long-dead stinker of...
Sometimes when you’re trying to find a new way of solving a problem you need to ask yourself, "are you being groundbreaking or merely digging yourself a hole?"
Skype usability on OSX
Getting contact information out of Skype requires a good memory.
Wells Fargo -- broken business processes
Wells Fargo creates a problem, and blocks all possible solutions with an arbitrary business rule.
Wells Fargo strikes again
Wells Fargo is working really hard to lose my business.
It's Popcorn time again
Popcorn sales have started again in my house, providing more business and life lessons for my kids.
Feed Crier new features
A bundle of new features have snuck into Feed Crier under the cover of darkness.